LHF#71: God is Good

It has been two and a half months since the GO conference. These months have gone by without the precious gathering of the Lord's people. Seventy-six days of which the most have been spent in quarantine with family. 

While the circumstances have changed significantly, one thing I have been realizing: 
God is good.

In the first part of Psalm 119:68 this is clearly presented:

"You are good and do good"

What a simple, yet profound phrase!

When we are anxious
God is good
When we feel exhausted
God is good
When we are isolated
God is good
When we feel as though we have nothing to offer
God is good
When it doesn't seem like He is good
God is good
No matter what
God is good

In this we see that God's goodness is not dependent on our circumstances. 

How have you experienced God's goodness lately?

written by Hannah
