LHF#59: Roster Rally / Stress Relievers

The extended time we have been undergoing the effects of the coronavirus pandemic has dramatically impacted our lives. We have been dealing with change in our personal, work, church, family, social, and perhaps even academic lives. The weeks of social distancing and quarantine restrictions have brought much stress. Anxieties and tensions have been running high.

At this point, the end of the pandemic is in sight. At least for now. But as we move into the "new normal" the latest concerns are about the lasting effects of all we have endured, particularly in the area of processing the ongoing stress and fear.

Now the apostle Paul, writing to a church plagued by considerable turbulence, ended his letter to them with these words:

Now may the Lord of peace himself 
give you peace at all times 
in every way.
2 Thessalonians 3:16

Seems to me that having such peace would be a real help in dealing with the pressures of life. Got me thinking... how could God help us know His peace? How could our minds and hearts be at rest, even amidst the burdens and uncertainties of our current situation?

That brings us to this week's Roster Rally!

Let's focus on the spiritual, emotional, practical things can help us deal with stress.  
What has been a good way for you to decompress, relax, move forward, accept difficult circumstances, know God's peace?

So specifically...

➙ Describe things you have recently found to be the most effective stress relievers.

Our goal is to help and encourage one another.
Let's take advantage of this small way of spreading God's peace.

Stress Reliever Roster Rally, let's go!

written by Gina


Nikki said…
1. Well, a big thing that's been helping me lately has to do more specifically with what gives me anxiety and stress rather than the current pandemic. I've been able to put aside anxiety as far as health and death- if I die I go to heaven, right? Not so bad. And it will all happen in God's timing and that's kind of that in my mind. My anxiety often comes from worrying about failing God in some way or not being "fruitful" enough or doing enough for Him. Something that's been exacerbated because I haven't been feeling particularly fruitful this last year or so. But looking back over my journal, I've been seeing again and again how God's been telling me it's not about me as much as I like to think it is. I need to pursue a relationship with Him first, seek His will, and be willing. But I really need to do a lot more trusting that it is much more about what HE has done, not me, and to trust that He will do His work through me, it's not about my power or strength or drive. SO- anyways, this has given me a lot of peace, but I need to keep preaching this to myself in a variety of ways.
2. Reading or reciting memorized scripture that pertains to worry and anxiety and trusting in God
3. Writing a list of all I am thankful for/ all the blessings in my life
4. Recognizing signs of God's love in His creation that I often overlook- the sun filtering through a flowering tree, a perfect daffodil that smells lovely, a beautiful blue sky with soft fluffy clouds, etc.

And on a less spiritual note:
5. Taking walks outside/ getting exercise and sun really helps
Gina said…
Wow! What wonderful ideas, and what a powerful testimony. So true: "it is much more about what HE has done". Thank you for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Yes NIkki-all good ones. And yes waiting on the Lord for guidance and direction and meanwhile working on our relationship with him is so important, as you said.
I recommend the book The Battle Belongs to the Lord by Joyce Meyers. It goes into how He is in control and we can rest in knowing that and just draw near to HIm and seek His will and not worry or stress over things.
I try to think of things I'm thankful for and even the good that I see coming out of a difficult situation. In this Covid-19 time I am thankful for not having to commute 45 minutes each way to work, and having so much time with my husband and son. My husband and I have more time together-to stretch and read the Bible together, take walks and pray together...We have lunch together everyday. I wait in anticipation for how God is going to use this situation as I know He will.
Other times, I look back on how He has gotten me through tough times and He always provided for and helped me through it, and good came as well-a deeper faith, not taking things for granted...
Those are just a few thoughts.
Anonymous said…
Check out this message rby Grace to YOu Ministries by John MacArthur elated to what I wrote: https://www.gty.org/library/articles/45FILLED/what-does-it-mean-to-be-filled-with-the-spirit
Especially Col. 3:16-16 Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Anonymous said…
That was Karen again.