In referring to the current pandemic, I heard someone say this week that if you are not anxious you are not paying attention. He also said if you are not afraid, you are not taking the coronavirus seriously.
Also this week I read 1 Peter and came across this phrase:
...if you do good
and do not fear anything
that is frightening.
1 Peter 3:6
Peter is writing about Christian, married women. He is referring to women following the example of "holy women who hoped in God", and specifically Sarah, who honored her husband Abraham. The broader context is the woman of God who invests in developing "respectful and pure conduct", such as a "gentle and quiet spirit". (1 Peter 3:2,4)
A gentle and quiet spirit combined with hoping in God is a picture of stability and trust. This is how God intends for us to grow in our faith. This will then beautifully work itself out in our relationships. I believe these principles to be true and useful for every woman of God.
The coronavirus is presenting our world with real challenges. We face unprecedented hardship and uncertainty. How are we to cope? According to this passage, placing our hope in God will guard us from fear. Even in the midst of a frightening pandemic. And a gentle and quiet spirit is very precious to our loving Heavenly Father. Available for any woman who desires a heart filled with eternal beauty. (1 Peter 3:4)
written by Gina