LHF#68: Roster Rally / What a Comfort!

The road we have been on has become barren and dry.
News abounds about discouragement setting in.
People are hopeless, helpless, struggling.

Whatever our specific circumstances, we are in need of God's comfort.
That deep well of peace.
That reassuring perspective.
The grace to move forward.

Yes, we need You, Lord!

That brings us to this week's Roster Rally! :)

So let's focus on the comfort found in God and in His Word.
How has God been comforting you through the uncertainty and hardship of these days?  

Time to make a list!
Our goal is to help and encourage one another.
Let's take advantage of this small way of spreading God's truth and love.
(This is the last Roster Rally!)

What a Comfort Roster Rally, let's go!

written by Gina


Gina said…
OK, I'll get us started off...

1. I recently read about elders in 1 Peter 5:2-3, that they should willingly and eagerly exercise oversight, being examples to the flock. I have seen firsthand the past week how the elders of our church have extended themselves in love, made decisions, and given generously. This is such an example to me of glad and godly service. And to be on the receiving end is of great encouragement.
Gina said…
2. God has been comforting me lately especially through the time I spend with Him in His Word and through music. It never fails to amaze me how the next thing on my Bible reading plan is just the thing I need! Music has also stirred my soul with the love of God. Just so good to be reminded of all that He has done for us! This helps give assurance of His ongoing faithfulness even through hardship.
Nikki said…
3. Some of the verses from my recent readings (all from Psalms) that I underlined, "How great is the goodness you have stored up for those that fear you. You lavish it on those who come to you for protection." "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you." "Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along His path."
Gina said…
Great truths! Encouraging promises! Thanks for sharing, Nikki. :)