LHF#65: Roster Rally / What to do?

Quarantine days have me a bit disoriented.
Anyone else having a tough time keeping track of what day it is?
Well, the struggle is real because I do hear regularly from others with the same challenge! ;)

A bit of disorientation may not be so bad. Though for me it lasted the whole day today!
But we're really in a pickle when it leads to a sense of purposelessness (-don't say that 10X really fast!), or lethargy. The routine of our days guide us through our God-given tasks and pleasures. When our rhythm is off it is hard to know what to do, when, and sometimes even how.

Time to take the bull by the horns here.
OK, it's straight to the Book we go:

For everything there is a season, 
and a time for every purpose under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Every purpose... like all the things on my mental to do list.
Or everything we set out to do, because we feel like it, decide it's important, or flat-out need to.
All of it. All of these things have a set time.
Also our days. Now we're on to something...

That brings us to this week's Roster Rally! :)

So let's focus on the importance of our days.
➙ What helps you know what day it is? (Seriously!)
➙ What is helping you have a sense of purpose during this shut-down? 
➙ How are managing your normal routine amidst the quarantine upheaval?  

Time to make a list!
Lots to chew on, but hopefully we'll be able to run with it.
Our goal is to help and encourage one another.
Let's take advantage of this small way of spreading God's wisdom and hope.

What to Do Roster Rally, let's go!

written by Gina


Gina said…
1. So I try to have scheduled days that cover all regular responsibilities Monday through Friday. Saturday's I try to be and work out side, maybe go somewhere, and do something together. Sunday morning is always church. Sunday afternoon is for relaxing, reading, games. By having different routines for during the week and on the weekend, I feel that we can at least have a that division clear. It also helps break the monotony of all days being spent doing the same thing.
Gina said…
2. Having a sense of purpose has been tough. I was involved in 2 areas of ministry at church. One has been dropped completely and the other has radically changed. But many home responsibilities are the same. And there are a few regular tasks that have become more time-consuming since the beginning of this quarantine. So I try to focus on what God has for me each day. That leads me to invest in my spiritual life, care for our family and home, and busy myself with spiritual things. Being about God's assignments really helps me have a sense of purpose. I know that He knows best and intends to use this whole situation for our good and for His glory. That's a purpose I'm glad to take on as my everyday goal!