LHF#64: Together in the Light

There are those who would say to us:
Be strong. 
Listen to your heart.
Forge your own way.

becoming responsible,
learning to weather the storms of life,
and seizing opportunities that come our way are all important aspects of our development.

But what if we were made for more?
What if it's not just about...
getting it together,
getting ahead,
and surviving?

We know and understand that our lives as Christians are bound to our Savior.
We are growing in treasuring and following Him wholeheartedly.
And as we walk in the light and life of our Redeemer and Friend,
He opens a new way of relating to our spiritual family...  

But if we walk in the light, 
as he is in the light, 
we have fellowship with one another, 
and the blood of Jesus, his Son, 
purifies us from all sin.
1 John 1:7

So focusing here on our relationships within the body of Christ,
old sinful patterns are replaced with an intimate bond of fellowship.
This fellowship among believers...
unites us,
leads us to share on a whole new level,
and strengthens our faith.

No longer are we to struggle on our own.
We have friends to help shoulder the load.
Deep, spiritual encouragement lifts our eyes to things eternal.
Sin is dealt with as grace shines brightly.
Joy in Jesus grows as we experience His light together.

This is God's intention with the roughly 59 one another commands in the New Testament.
This is our privilege and responsibility as followers of Christ.
This is where God's love is powerfully building His church.

Let's open ourselves up to one another, and all the blessings God has for us as we do so.
Let's invest in spiritual, pure, and strong relationships as we learn to have fellowship together in the light. 

written by Gina 
