In Psalm 103, David leads us through many precious truths regarding God's works. It is an astounding list of God's gracious and mighty acts on behalf of His people. Smack in the middle of all these deeds, David recites a foundational statement of identity. About God's identity...
The Lord is merciful and gracious,
slow to anger
and abounding in steadfast love.
Psalm 103:8
This is not David's description of God.
This is God's very own description of Himself (Exodus 34:8).
And you don't have to be Moses or David to be wowed by these astounding words!
This is our God.
And this is who He is.
Let it sink in and overwhelm you!
The Lord is merciful and gracious...
He is full of compassion, never treating us as our sins deserve. We always have forgiveness, a fresh start, and help for every step of the way.
The Lord is slow to anger...
How we must test Him! And yet with superlative patience He bears with our weaknesses. Can you imagine if He were quick to anger?!
The Lord is abounding in steadfast love...
More than we can imagine of the deepest goodness, kindness, faithfulness. This is the steadfast love that binds Him to His people. It's a sacred pledge He has taken on Himself to utterly overwhelm us with good.
Is this how you know God?
Is any of this description hard for you to process or accept?
written by Gina