I saw an eagle today. He was flying over a nearby lake. There was something magnificent about the great expanse of his wings, slowly but powerfully driving him forward. Their rhythmic up and down movement was confident and strong. His head was steady, gaze fixed forward. It was a picture of strength.
God portraits the strength He gives to the weary in this very same way.
The power is not found in skill or effort or talent or desire or energy.
It is found in trusting.
but those who
trust in the LORD
will renew their strength;
they will soar on wings like eagles...
Isaiah 40:31(CSB)
Friend, are you weary?
Come to the Lord in your weakness.
Acknowledge your need of His help.
Give your burden to the One who redeemed you out of His deep love.
Stand on His precious promises.
Hope in His amazing grace.
Receive His renewing strength, and soar like an eagle.
written by Gina