LHF#54: Heavenly Treasure

Our world has shifted to somewhere between back to the basics and survival mode.
Bustling about, at least out of the house, has largely ceased. Many of the church, recreation, entertainment, sport, and food options that filled our lives have disappeared. Daily routines have been dramatically altered.

It's a tough situation for most of us. We miss personal contact with family and friends. The isolation is getting to us. It's hard to deal with the loss of freedoms we have always enjoyed. The way we see our world changing makes us sad.

Take heart, my friend! In so much loss of the here and now, we can lift our eyes to things above. More space is available for Bible reading and prayer. We can receive God's truth and rest in His promises in new and fresh ways. Teaching can turn our hearts toward God. Music can stir our souls. Knowing, treasuring, enjoying, pleasing, and serving Him can be our focus. We have a chance to evaluate priorities and work through issues. The challenges we now face can be used to break down walls and idols, and build bridges and relationships.     

Let's grab hold of these faith-building, Christ-exalting opportunities with both hands! 
God is able to bring good out of this pandemic we are struggling through. He will not waste any time we spend with Him. He will surely forgive, provide, and encourage us when we ask Him to. As we grow in Christ we will abound in faith and hope. We will function in the body of Christ in greater unity and love. In the world we will be light and salt. 

Let's resist the very real temptation to be consumed by the earthly and temporal.
Let's focus on things of eternal value as much as possible.
Our choices now will bear fruit, and they will reveal where our hearts are. 

Do not lay up for yourselves 
treasures on earth, 
where moth and rust destroy 
and where thieves break in and steal,
but lay up for yourselves 
treasures in heaven, 
where neither moth nor rust destroys 
and where thieves do not break in and steal.
For where your treasure is, 
there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:19-21

Laura Story / When I Give Up

written by Gina
