The Book of Acts picks up right where the Gospels left off with Jesus' Resurrection. It tells how Jesus appeared to His disciples over the course of forty days after the Resurrection and includes His Ascension (Acts1:6-11). After these things happened, the disciples were faced with a task. Now that Judas has left, they need a replacement. Look at what it says in verse 24-25 concerning the decision they had to make.
And they prayed and said,
"You, Lord, who know the hearts of all,
show which one of these
you have chosen
to take the place
in this ministry and apostleship
from which Judas turned aside
to go to his own place."
"You, Lord, who know the hearts of all,
show which one of these
you have chosen
to take the place
in this ministry and apostleship
from which Judas turned aside
to go to his own place."
They ask for the Lord's guidance and need Him to aid them in making this decision. The disciples believe that God "knows the hearts of all". They ask Him to "show which one of these you have chosen...". I found it interesting that in this early stage of the church, the disciples pray to God and ask for His direction in an important decision. Furthermore, they pray with an understanding and trust that the Lord knows what is best and that He has the answers.
This was a good reminder for me to continue steadfastly in prayer (Col. 4:2) with the knowledge that God understands the hearts of all. He has everything, past, present, and future, in His hands, and I just need to trust Him.
Written by Hannah