Some of us are...
weary of these days of isolation, or
anxious about how things will progress, or
exhausted from our overwhelming workload.
All of us may face the temptation of believing that...
things are hopeless,
we are helpless,
and our future is uncertain.
The Lord Jesus has the power to comfort and strengthen us. He knows our struggles. Let us not forget that He was "despised and rejected ... a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief."(Isaiah 53:3)
So what does He say to His followers facing opposition and suffering?
Are not
two sparrows
sold for a penny?
And not one of them
will fall to the ground
apart from your Father.
But even the
hairs of your head
are all numbered.
Fear not, therefore;
you are of
more value
than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31
The Lord Jesus is teaching us about the providence of God.
"Apart from your Father" means without the direction and watchful care of our all-loving and all-powerful Father.
Sparrows had to be sold in twos to warrant the use of a penny.
Hair can seem like a big deal to us! But in light of what makes our bodies properly function, hair is rather insignificant.
So here we see God Almighty, Lord of heaven and earth, our Father. He is caring for sparrows and numbering all the hairs of our heads. Is He bored? Absolutely not!
This is representative of the extent of His divine management. He is actively moving forward with His purpose and plan. He is in the details.
Nothing just happens.
Jesus is saying that our value far surpasses that of the very small and seemingly insignificant. The point is that we can be assured of God's protection and provision.
Nothing will happen to us outside of God's direction, care, and control.
If we truly know God as our Father, this will be a great comfort to us. We may endure hardship with hope. We have the assurance of His promises. When the storms rage, we have a "refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."(Psalm 46:1)
"Fear not, therefore..."
Child of God, you will never be overlooked or neglected.
He's got this.
written by Gina