LHF#47: King of Every Day

Easter has come and gone. 
I hope you were able to celebrate this precious and monumental Christian holiday. 
No doubt it was much different than usual. But we still have much to be thankful for.

Now that we have once again devoted time and attention to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we proceed onward in our walk with Him. Having received His gifts of grace and new life, we look forward to His return and the hope we have in Him of eternity in God's presence. Blessed assurance!

Before we go to be with Christ through His return or our death, we live on with Him in the here and now. We have been given this life to grow in our faith, to participate in God's work of sanctification. Especially in the light of the events of Good Friday and Easter, how should we seek to move forward?

Let's start with the foundation. This is the most basic truth about following the Lord Jesus once we have received Him Savior:

If we live, 
we live for the Lord; 
and if we die, 
we die for the Lord. 
So, whether we live or die, 
we belong to the Lord.
For this very reason, 
Christ died and returned to life 
so that he might be the Lord 
of both the dead and the living.
Romans 14:8-9

For the Christian, each day is to lived for the Lord. 
We belong to Him.
Every day...
  >  Jesus Christ must be our King 
  >  His words our authority and treasure 
  >  His will our focus and delight
  >  His way our pursuit and joy

Depending on His sustaining and enabling grace, this is our daily choice.
It's our privilege!
This is the only way to hold fast to Him.

Let's help one another:
How can we grow in gladly submitting to Christ as Lord in our daily lives?

written by Gina


Nikki said…
"How can we grow in gladly submitting to Christ as Lord in our daily lives?"
That is an excellent question! One that I've been working on for some time- as I am certainly not a "submissive" person, but rather a little bit proud and like to be self-sufficient. But God has been teaching me about how important this is. I think what the root of it for me had to be was to see that He is so much more trustworthy than I myself or anything else is. To truly believe that He has my best interest in mind, that He is truly good and loving and loves me more than I know. I think for me, seeking to have an accurate picture of Him and a relationship with Him is what was a good foundation for submitting to Him. It's earlier to submit to a personal God that cares about me and has my ultimate best interest in mind than to a god that feels distant and impersonal or judgmental.
And then- asking for His help, trusting Him to do the work on my heart that I can't do myself, and seeking Him through His word, time spent talking to Him, and trying to choose Him throughout the day in what I do with my time, how I act towards others, etc. And when I inevitably mess up, talk to HIm about it, ask Him for more help, and try again!

I'd be interested to hear how other people grow in gladly submitting to Christ!

Anonymous said…
Excellent thoughts Nikki.It is much easier to submit to a God who loves us and has our best interests at heart. I think it may be as simple as making habits of a regular devotion time each day for one. Basic, but so easy to overlook with, "Oh I'll get to it later." and then later never comes. Thinking of what you read though out the day and seeing how to apply it to your life. So, maybe applying one new thing at a time and intentionally working on it. The book about habits I read said that if we just change one little thing, that doesn't seem insurmountable, others will inevitable follow.