LHF#44: First Things First

For I delivered to you
as of first importance
what I also received: 
that Christ died for our sins ..., 
that he was buried, 
that he was raised 
on the third day
in accordance with
the Scriptures
1 Corinthians 15:3-4

First things first.
Before colored eggs and chocolate bunny's and spring decorations and fancy meals.
Before baskets and grass, gifts and toys, costumes and crafts.
Before outings and entertainment.
Before dreams and plans.
Before "normal life" and regular days.
Before COVID-19. 
First, as in before all of this that fills our world.
First, as in the most important of all.
First there is the good news of the Gospel.

The Gospel, as in:
Jesus died for our sins, 
He was buried, 
and He was raised on the third day.
It's just as was prophesied, 
just as the Scripture told.

Believe it?
God be praised!
If so,
then first,

May His grace to us not be in vain. 
Let us work hard, by the grace of God,
to proclaim His name. (1 Corinthians 15:10)

written by Gina
