LHF#40: Abiding Love

Who shall separate us 
from the love of Christ?

Shall long days alone at home with the kids,
or being separated from loved ones,
or a shortage of PPE,
or the struggles of working from home,
or unemployment,
or isolation,
or fear? ...

No, in all these things
we are more
than conquerors
through Him
who loved us.

For I am sure that neither staring death in the face 
nor living with this global pandemic,
nor social distancing 
nor self-quarantine,
nor empty church buildings 
nor overwhelmed hospitals,
nor the length of time it takes to develop a vaccine,
nor plummeting stocks,
nor food shortages,

nor anything else
in all creation,
will be able
to separate us
from the love of God
in Christ Jesus
our Lord. 
Romans 8:35, 37-39, paraphrased

written by Gina
