Sister in Christ,
If you are downcast, burdened, discouraged, or exhausted...
If you are looking for help and hope to make it through another day...
...the Lord Jesus says to you...
Come to Me,
all who labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
If you will come, He will receive you.
He will accept you where you are.
He will give you rest.
The rest that He gives you comes as He actively works to ease your burden and refresh your soul.
He cares that much...
The next verse explains how to obtain this rest.
Take My yoke upon you,
and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:29
This is placing upon yourself the "burden" of following Christ's commands. It is obeying Him in what He says that seems challenging and constraining. Yet here we find the way to learn from the Lord Jesus. And this is not distance learning! To learn from Him as we are obeying Him is to be discipled by Him. It requires much involvement from the Teacher. We were never meant to do this on our own!
As you set your heart to obey the Lord Jesus,
you will be spending more time with Him.
You will be drawn closer to Him.
You will find Him, the Son of God, to be...
...strong and tender,
...humbly approaching you,
to give you peace of mind and serenity for your soul.
He loves you that much...
It all starts when you come to Him.
Jesus Strong and Kind / CityAlight
written by Gina