It's April Fools Day.
Now I am absolutely opposed to pranks and jokes that belittle, harm, or embarrass others. However, I have been known to pull out all the silly little "accidental" mix-ups and twisty turns I can conjure up on April 1. Just ask our kids ... or perhaps you shouldn't ...!
All innocent fun aside, there is a real problem with foolishness. Looking at the subject from a biblical perspective gives us a clear picture. To summarize, foolishness is opposite wisdom. Thinking of foolishness and wisdom in the Bible today reminded me of a verse pertaining to us women:
The wisest of women
builds her house,
but folly with her own hands
tears it down.
Proverbs 14:1
You see, we have the unique ability in our homes and families to build up and to tear down. This verse gets to the heart of what's going on in both those cases. We are either pursuing wisdom or foolishness.
This verse tells us that the wise woman works to encourage. She is using her God-given gifts and abilities to help those near and dear to her. It's a beautiful picture of a woman fulfilling God's good plan and design, whether that be a single or married woman, young or old.
But do you see what can happen. That same wise woman can be foolish. Don't we know that is true?! What we maybe don't realize is that in our foolish moments, we can be tearing down. We can be discouraging and harming. We can be sabotaging the will and work of God in our homes and families.
None of us would want to be foolishly destructive in this way. But there is no denying our old, sinful nature that rears its ugly head from time to time. What's a wise woman to do? Well, let's remember...
The fear of the LORD
is the beginning of wisdom,
and the knowledge
of the Holy One is insight.
Proverbs 9:10
The only way to grow in consistently loving others is to pursue God. He is the One who can guide us to understanding our hearts, confessing our sin, and choosing what is right and good. Knowing Him leads to the wisdom that guards against foolishness.
How do you guard against foolishness?
What is a wise word from the Lord that has helped you walk in His wisdom?
written by Gina