My first year in college was tremendously eye-opening as I rubbed shoulders with people so much different than all the church and school folks I knew growing up. I had the most interesting conversations and heard stories I never thought possible. As the students got to know one another, one striking difference I noticed was between those who had been raised in church and came to Christ as children, and those who had little to no church experience and became Christians as older teens or young adults.
In this context it didn't take long to be exposed to all kinds of salvation stories. Some had dazzling accounts of God's miraculous rescue in action. It left those of us who have known Jesus since we were young feeling a bit inferior. We could hardly remember "before", let alone have a compelling "after". The temptation was there to even see the grace of God as a little less amazing in our "ordinary" testimonies.
In the midst of this issue percolating around the campus, I remember a group conversation with a young man who had a truly dramatic salvation story. He looked at a few of us "oldies" in the faith and said, "Thank God for your boring story!". He said it with a bit of frustration about his lack of biblical training and simple childlike faith. He said it with sorrow over his turbulent young years and the deep instability and insecurity that had left in his life. He said it with pain in his eyes for the mistakes he had made that had left scars.
God used that moment for good in my life. He used this friend to open my eyes to all I had to be thankful for. I also started to see something essential to any further spiritual growth: I have a "before"! It may not be 6 years lived in colorful rebellion. But I stand in need of the Gospel each and every day. I have a sinful heart that is prone to wandering.
And you,
who once were alienated
and hostile in mind,
doing evil deeds,
he has now reconciled
in his body of flesh
by his death,
Colossians 1:21-22
I, by my very sin nature, was estranged from God.
My whole natural way of thinking is in direct opposition to His truth.
I certainly know full well that my own wherewithal cannot produce anything good.
So I was most definitely excluded from fellowship and intimacy with God.
I was not able to live a life in line with His good and right purposes.
It was not possible for me to serve, or please, or love Him at all.
But the death of the Lord Jesus changed everything!
Jesus has reconciled me to God.
He restored the relationship with my Father.
He gave me a completely new and different life.
And He did all of this when I was fully ignorant of the fact that I needed Him!
THIS is amazing grace!
There is truly no greater gift.
written by Gina