LHF#39: "Teach Me Your Way"

One of my favorite portions of Scripture is found in Psalm 86: 11-15. 
Even though It's long, I truly hope that you will take the time to read it.

"Teach me your way, O Lord, 
that I may walk in your truth; 
unite my heart to fear your name. 
I give thanks to you, 
O Lord my God, 
with my whole heart, 
and I will glorify your name forever. 
For great is your steadfast love toward me: 
you have delivered my soul
from the depths of Sheol. 
But you O Lord, 
are a God merciful and gracious, 
slow to anger 
and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness." 

I pray that we would never grow weary of asking God to teach us. 
And I hope that we will remember to give thanks to Him when He helps us to learn. 

What are some things that God has been teaching you these past days/weeks?

Written by Hannah
