The love of God should fill us so that we have spillover for those around us. When we struggle with this we can pray for it. God must love to answer the prayer for more of His love!
But there seems to be good and bad love. At least that is what we read here:
let us not love
in word or talk
but in deed
and in truth.
1 John 3:18
So the instruction here is to stay away from the bad sort of love. That would be just talk. Empty words. Blah, blah, blah...
What we must pursue is loving one another in our actions and in the realities of God's truth. Loving deeds. Loving spiritual encouragements.
Now you may be in quarantine with others at home. It may be just you, and so you would have to do this remotely, maybe digitally. But let's think of how we could share the love of God with others, practically and purely.
Maybe random acts of kindness. Or offers to help.
Sharing God's good gifts with others. Sharing biblical encouragements.
What we always did during the 2-week Christmas break was internal mailboxes. We all made and decorated a "mailbox" for our bedroom doors. You can do this easily with a piece of construction paper or 2 paper plates. These mailboxes were used for notes of encouragement, Bible verses, kind words. Of course the notes had to be dropped in the mailbox when no one was looking!
OK, your turn!
Let's think of practical ways to put this word into action.
How can we love one another in these crazy days?
What deeds and encouragements can you think of?
written by Gina
Also notes! How fun to get snail mail!