"What if's" ...
You know those thoughts that play over and over in our minds. Possibilities of the worst kind. Traveling down unknown roads leading to disaster. Lurking dangers, impending troubles, mounting impossibilities that can keep us up at night.
We are in an unsettled time. It's pushing all of our fear buttons. It's easy to go down the long winding "what if" trail. It can become the air we mentally breathe!
But what if we could change course on the "what if's"?
What if ... we could be absolutely certain of something?
What if ... we could dwell on something that is absolutely certain and certainly good?
We can!
God has some tender and powerful words for these uncertain, fearful times.
Surely goodness and mercy
shall follow me
all the days of my life..."
Psalm 23:6a
Such was the assurance of David, a man after God's own heart. David was dwelling on the way God cared for him, provided for him, and blessed him. He's wrapping up his song with the assurance he has come to know and believe.
Knowing God personally through the Lord Jesus means that we can also be assured of this truth. God is extending Himself to His people in love. Let's unpack these precious words.
We have the goodness and kindness, the faithfulness and blessing of God. These are tender and powerful expressions of His care. He is actively seeking what is best for us.
How actively? Well, He is actually pursing us with these glorious attributes. Keeping a close watch on us, caring for us in a very hands on manner. All this according to His great love and perfect plan.
How long? Each and every day we are alive! At all times we can know the truth of this promise. There is no circumstance we go through outside of this care.
Surely means beyond the shadow of a doubt. God has committed Himself to relentlessly support, guide, provide, and help us. He is so good to us!
No, it will not always seem true.
There will be times it really doesn't feel true.
That's OK.
The truth stands. It is fact.
Unchanging and unrelenting.
Always and forever,
God is faithfully,
in His kindness and goodness,
taking care of His own.
written by Gina