The story of Jesus walking on water is one that many of us have grown up with. This remarkable miracle can be found in Mark 6:45-52.
I can picture this scene in my head. The disciples are in the boat trying to get back to the shore. It starts to get windy. The waves climb higher and the disciples start to notice something in the distance. First, they see his head then his shoulders, and finally, they see a man walking on water and heading towards them. The disciples completely freak out thinking that it is a ghost. Why wouldn't they? They had no reason to believe that anyone could walk on water. At least no reason yet.
The man speaks and says;
"Take heart; it is I, Do not be afraid." (vs. 50)
He gets in the boat with his friends and the wind ceases. No words used. The wind just ceases. The storm calms down. Finally, the disciples realize that it is Jesus who is sitting in the boat with them.
And then an interesting phrase is used in verses 51-52.
"And they were utterly astounded, for they did not understand about the loaves but their hearts were hardened."
The disciples had been traveling with Jesus for a while and they had witnessed many miracles including the five loaves and two fish (Mark 6:30-44). Yet their hearts were hardened. The disciples had started taking things for granted.
I have to say I often find myself accustomed to the miracles of God. Growing up in a Christan home with missionaries and a camp ministry surrounding me for years, I saw God's hand work in many ways. I realized that I became callous to remarkable miracles because I had experienced and heard of them for so long.
I pray that we would never shrug our shoulders at the works of God.
I pray that we would see Him work in and through us and that we would thank Him.
That we would share his deeds with others.
That when we see Jesus walk on water in the darkest nights of our lives, that we would hold on to Him and not turn away.
Above all, I pray that we would not become callous to God's mercy and grace as that is one of the most profound miracles of all.
written by Hannah