Self-quarantine continues.
Hearing of more struggles and suffering.
Circumstances spinning out of control for some.
Looking for hope, I read this morning:
"The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice..."
Psalm 97:1
Yes! There is a King! And He is reigning!
Now what does that mean practically for you and me?
Well, it means that the King has this world under control. There isn't anywhere we can go or anything that can happen to us that is outside of His control.
It means we can be assured that the King is working out His good plan. He really does know best. There is a purpose for what is happening. He uses even the tough things for His good work.
It means that if we know this King personally, we can be assured of His help, His encouragement, and His peace. We can trust His character and depend on His promises. He will not leave us!
And as we walk with Him, through the mountains and valleys on our path, it means JOY!
written by Gina