LHF#26: Memorial Stones

In Joshua 3-4 a fascinating story takes place. Here's a quick summary. :)

After Moses died Joshua had been chosen as the new leader of Israel. His job was to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. However, Joshua is faced with an obstacle. In order to get to the Promised Land, the nation had to cross the Jordan River. 

The Israelites pack up and head out towards the water. The priests lead the way and soon they get to the bank of the Jordan River. As soon as their feet touched the stream, 

"the waters coming down from above stood and rose up in a heap very far away" 

The Israelites made it safely across the Jordan River. 

In order that this miraculous work of God would not be forgotten, Joshua commanded twelve stones (one for each tribe) be set up and put on the banks of the river. He wanted the people who saw the stones to remember. Remember what the Lord had done for His people, and remember that He had brought them safely through. 

We all face our own individual obstacles. Things that we fear or dread. I am an anxious person and one thing that helps me is to go back to these stories in the Bible where I see God's faithfulness. I know that He's done it in the past. And I believe that He will do it now.

I am sure that all of us have our own set of memorial stones. Things that God has done in the past that have changed our present lives. 
How have you seen God's hand at work in your own life, past or present? 
What are some obstacles that you have faced and how have you seen God work things out for the better?

written by Hannah


Anonymous said…
Oh how faithful and loving is our God❤️ My eyes have seen, my heart has felt, and my faith has known the greatness of our God immeasurable! I could tell many stories of His sustaining grace but today my heart is blessed by the continual heartfelt faith filled prayers uttered by my daughter because of Gods mighty work in her life through fire and trial. Her prayer has been...Dear Jesus thank you for dying on the cross to save us from our sins. Help us to love you more and no matter what happens even if we can’t leave our home or become sick... Lord we trust in you. We love you Jesus Amen.
Gina said…
So thankful with you for the sustaining grace of God! Also for the strength of faith this has brought. God is good! Beautiful prayer! Thank you for this example of trusting our Heavenly Father, even with our very lives.
Nikki said…
I just finished up reading this story in Joshua last week!! I've been going through the Old Testament recently and one of the things that stuck out to me again and again was God's use of uncut stones as a way for His people to remember what He's done- again and again. When I thought about it, I realized how forgetful or not noticing I am all the time of what He's done for me. A few months ago I wanted to remember something God had been teaching me through various resources coordinating with the same message of to trust in Him. So I took a little rock on it and wrote "manna" because He provides what we need every day, as we need it, "Sweet water" because he can take bitter water and my mistakes that I make again and again and make it sweet again, "Isaiah 30" to remind me not to trust in "Egypt" or myself or the wisdom of the world, but to trust that “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength." I put this little rock in my back pocket sometimes because I'm so forgetful and having that physical reminder to Trust Him when I sit down is something I need!