LHF#24: Waiting & Hoping

Seems passive, right? 

Not so!
Check this out:

"Our soul waits for the Lord;
He is our help and our shield.
For our heart is glad in Him,
because we trust in His holy name."
Psalm 33:20-21

This is waiting on the One who has proven Himself to be willing and able to help, the One who has protected and sustained. Just to think of what this Helper and Protector can do gladdens the heart. This deep joy is made possible because of trust. Trust is anchored in the character and attributes of the Lord, the Helper and the Protector.

God is with us, friend: wait and hope; trust and be glad!
Whatever the weather, our prayer may be:

"Let Your steadfast love, o Lord, be upon us,
even as we hope in you."
Psalm 33:22 

Where are you challenged to wait and hope?
How are you experiencing God's love and joy?

written by Gina 


Anonymous said…
I am challenged in the fear of Ella not having all the supplies she needs to sustain her life...or if her compromised lungs can withstand this virus.Already some supplies have had shortages and it is easy for fear to rule my heart. I am not generally an anxious person by nature but these times we are in have left me in moments of panic....Yet I remember His faithfulness, His provision, and His overwhelming presence and love in moments of darkness at the end of my own strength and I know as He promises that He will be with us and provide all that we need whatever may come! So we come to Him and lay our cares at His feet and ask Him to do a mighty work in us for His glory and pray that others may come to know this hope we have! “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”Jeremiah 17:7,8
Gina said…
Yes Jami! What a beautiful testimony. This is trusting through the trials. Thank you for showing us how to "remain green" and "bear fruit". May God continue to encourage and provide for you.