LHF#21: Under Control

The past days have reminded us of how little we can actually control.
This is disorienting to people who have lived so long in freedom and prosperity. 
We still do, of course. Even now.

We have been accustomed to making decisions, moving around, earning money, spending money, spending time, handling relationships, and taking care of business according to our own desires and possibilities. Nothing necessarily wrong with that. All of these things are real blessings.

the temptation is to think we have everything under control.
We don't. We were never meant to.

Speaking of the salvation we have received, Paul makes this statement about God:

"... according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will".
Ephesians 1:11

God is doing everything according to what He desires and purposes. "Working all things" is pretty sweeping. It includes not just all world events but also our daily lives. Read on: 

"in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them."
Psalm 139:16

So God has a detailed plan for us. And do you realize that He has been busy with our daily lives before we were even born!

These are just a few examples. You can find much more in the Bible about God's sovereignty and providence. But may these truths encourage you. When it seems that the bottom is falling out, know that our Father really does have everything under control.

Is this hard to believe right now?
Do you struggle to think that this situation is part of God's plan?
Are you fighting a rebellious spirit as God's will goes so much against your will?
Let's pray for each other in these faith-stretching times.
How would you like to see your faith grow when your circumstances are rough?

written by Gina


Nikki said…
Hi Gina! That's been something I've been thinking about a lot too with what's going on. With this situation I've been thinking about how lucky we've been, I've been, to have had such mostly a predictable and safe life up to this point. But that us being in control is an illusion and that we should daily be turning to the One who is really in control- when things feel unpredictable and unsure like now, but also when things feel more secure. I need to be building my house on the rock, not the sand! So when the wind and storms come, my faith and hope will not falter (Matt 7:24-27).
Gina said…
Such great truths and encouragements, Nikki! We have lived in such security compared to many in the world. You're right: control is an illusion! And really, there is so much comfort and freedom in submitting to God in all areas of life. Anyway, thanks again!