LHF#17: Daily Bread

As Jesus was giving His disciples a lesson on prayer, He uttered the following phrase as a request to be made to God:

"Give us each day our daily bread..."
Luke 11:3

Jesus was referring to their daily sustenance. The instruction was to ask God daily for what was needed daily. Needed. To live. Each day.

Now we usually like to plan ahead. And I have often said I'd rather have too much than not enough for family gatherings, etc. If we're having company or bringing a meal to someone we buy more. When a storm is coming we like to stock up. Certainly in the face of extended social distancing and ongoing self-quarantine it makes sense to us that there's a run on many items and store shelves are empty. All very understandable.

And yet we have this phrase in the Lord's Prayer that seems to go against our every instinct to be responsible. Does God want us to be careless? Is it wrong to stock up in uncertain times? Of course not!

But the Lord Jesus knows our tendency to do it on our own. He gives us instruction that keeps us in daily dependence upon our Heavenly Father. We are invited to look to Him for our most basic needs. Every day. As we go about our busyness.

Now what would be the necessary surrender, and what would be the blissful blessing for us in living each day in such dependence on God? 

written by Gina


Anonymous said…
The less we have, the more we depend on God for our needs, and the closer we get to Him. I believe this is why the persecuted church seems to have such a deeper faith.
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Gina (and Hannah) for this sweet refreshment! Love to you all! ~Emily E.