I started reading Nehemiah today. In the first 4 chapters I was struck by Nehemiah's regular habit of praying and working. It went like this:
(1:11) "O Lord, ... give success to Your servant today, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man."
(2:1) "I took up the wine and gave it to the king."
(2:4) "So I prayed to the God of heaven.
(2:5) And I said to the king, ..."
(4:9) "And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection."
Nehemiah consistently prayed, and then he did what needed to be done.
He depended on God, and then set out to do the work God gave him to do.
I thought of all the things we may be called on to do in these days:
- isolate ourselves from family & friends
- miss work
- work more
- find childcare
- care for extra children
- care for sick ones
- be the sick one!
- extend ourselves to those in need
- risk our health
- limit our spending
- have less to spend
- deal with stress & anxiety
- delay appointments & projects
- miss out on familiar & special gatherings
Then I thought of how our challenges would be if we could do as Nehemiah did:
trust God and get to work. What do you think?
written by Gina